Pinkas HaNitzolim, Band II, Register jüdischer Überlebender von JewishGen
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In Pinkas HaNitzolim, Band II, Register jüdischer Überlebender von JewishGen suchen
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Pinkas HaNitzolim, Band II, Register jüdischer Überlebender von JewishGen
55.886 Seiten
This collection contains records of Jewish survivors rescued from camps and the Ghettoes in various European countries under being freed from Nazi control. The register was published in 1946 by The Search Bureau for Missing Relatives of the Jewish Agency. Records in the collection may contain information such as first and last names, Place of Last Registration, and more.<br><br>This collection has been provided to MyHeritage by JewishGen, Inc., an independent organization, which retains all rights, title, and interest in the data. © 2021 JewishGen, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit <a href="" target="blank">JewishGen</a> for more information and to search its database.<br><br>
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